Prison Education
- Currently, Educoot sells resources to prison education centres throughout Ireland.
- Work-training and education are the two main activities in prison. Many prisoners voluntarily take part in education programmes. In fact, everyone who is committed to custody is entitled to, and encouraged to participate in the extensive educational opportunities available.
- The Irish prison system works in partnership with a range of educational agencies (for example, community colleges, public libraries, Education and Training Boards) to provide a broad programme of education. Prisoners may take classes ranging from basic literacy to Open University degrees.
- The education curriculum includes physical education, health education, social education (with subjects such as Home Economics) and creative activities (art, drama, music and writing). Prisoners may also study the conventional school subjects leading to Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate Examinations and Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) accreditation.
- Educational programmes in prison are aimed at helping prisoners cope with their sentences and prepare them for release. In particular, these programmes offer them opportunities to discover and develop new skills. Methods and approaches used to encourage prisoners to enter these programmes are drawn from adult and communication education.
Resources purchased by prison education centres include Levels 1 to 4 and all subject areas are popular, including Teamworking, I.T. Skills, Relaxation Techniques, Communications, Nutrition, Personal Care, Science and Safety.
Examples of resources:
To see samples, click into Samples here and hover over the resource, and then click into the sample. The samples will open in pdf format.