LCA Basic Horticulture
LCA Basic Horticulture
Student worksheets - 189 Pages
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Learning outcomes: (Module 1 of Agriculture / Horticulture)
Unit 1: Plant Physiology and growing media
1. identify the main parts of the plant and their functions
2. investigate Photosynthesis by carrying out a suitable scientific test
3. identify the function and use of fertilizers
4. identify a range of growing media in use today
5. investigate four different growing media
6. assemble a growing medium specifically used for the growing of seeds
7. evaluate the various methods of making garden compost from garden and household waste.
Unit 2: Propagation methods
1. outline three methods used to overcome dormancy
2. demonstrate the general requirements for seed germination
3. select an appropriate sowing technique suitable for a chosen seed type
4. test a chosen seed for % germination
5. care for seedlings using appropriate techniques
6. name two artificial methods of plant propagation
7. list three plants from which cuttings can be taken
8. propagate a named cutting
9. list the safety precautions to be taken when using rooting powders
10. pot up and care for a rooted cutting
11. suggest how two plant structures could be used as a natural method of propagation.
Unit 3: Soil formation, composition and fertility
1. state the role of weathering agents in the formation of soil
2. list the living and non-living parts of soil
3. state the characteristics of a fertile soil
4. name four activities associated with good soil management and demonstrate any one of these
5. identify the major Irish soil types and the types of plants they support
6. carry out one scientific investigation related to soil.
Unit 4: Garden Tools and equipment
1. compile a list of everyday garden tools
2. demonstrate the safe use of two garden tools
3. demonstrate the cleaning and storing of one garden tool
4. identify one motor/electric tool
5. design a poster highlighting the safe use and storage of a motor/electric tool
6. draw up a chart on the maintenance of one garden tool.