Level 3 Career Preparation
Level 3 Career Preparation
Student worksheets - 148 Pages
Fillable and printable versions included
Teaching slides
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Students will cover the following learner outcomes:
Describe the basic principles underpinning career preparation, to include the concepts of work, career, and planning
Distinguish between different types of work such as full time, part time, temporary/contract, and casual work
Describe local or foreign work opportunities, including sources of job information, vacancies, types of work, Europass, emigration supports, and work visa requirements
Identify local training and education opportunities including education and training programmes, access routes, certification offered, and progression possibilities
Compile a personal profile by exploring interests, skills, talents, personal qualities and characteristics, values, achievements, employment preferences, goals, and matching personal characteristics to possible careers
Identify preferred personal qualities for workplace employer and employee
Practice a range of personal interactions typical of work situations including initiating and maintaining conversations both formal and informal, listening, following instructions, clarifying instructions, contributing opinions, assertiveness skills, and personal care
Describe changes that may occur during a working life, including moving to a new position and unemployment, the difficulties associated with change in employment and how to cope with them
Prepare to participate in the workplace by using job seeking skills to source a suitable job advertisement, apply by CV and cover letter for the position, participate in a simulated interview, and evaluating own performance.